Digestive Health


II – Digestive Health

We offer two packages for individuals struggling with the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), one for those newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease, one for those newly diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis (UC), and one for those with food allergies or sensitivities. We also have a package to help address the common but misunderstood issues of constipation and hemorrhoids using a diet- and lifestyle-first approach. 

1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Package

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Package is designed for individuals who have had celiac disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) ruled out and who have been told by their doctor that they have IBS. Since the symptoms and causes of IBS symptoms vary between individuals, this package is designed to help determine which foods or food components are contributing to specific symptoms.

Unlike a Low FODMAP Diet, this package enables people to only eliminate foods or food components that result in symptoms.

This package is broken down into four separate services which use a Time-Food-Time-Symptom (TFTS) Journal for collecting very specific dietary information using either a preformatted Excel sheet, or for those who prefer, pen and paper. Once there is enough information collected, I review and use it as the basis for making recommendation in terms of which foods to reduce, or eliminate in the diet. The four services in the package are as follows;

1. Introduction to the TFTS Journal: an introduction how to collect information using the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, customization of the journal for individual IBS symptoms, verification after 3 days data that the information is being collected correctly.

2. First Visit in IBS Package: review of the first three weeks of data from the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, recommendation of foods or beverages to limit or avoid and why, instructions for collecting the next 2-weeks worth of Time Food Time Symptom Journal data.

3. Second Visit in IBS Package: review of the second two weeks of data from the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, recommendation of additional foods or beverages to limit or avoid and why.

4. Third Visit in IBS Package: review of the last set of data from the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, recommendation of additional foods or beverages to limit or avoid and why, plus dietary and lifestyle changes that may help minimized IBS symptoms.

Optional add-on teaching (one hour): the role of the vagus nerve in IBS and Functional Dyspepsia

To get started, click on the button below to learn about pricing, payment options, clinical hours, and to book an appointment.  

2. Low FODMAP Diet Package

The Low FODMAP Diet Package is designed for individuals who have had celiac disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) ruled out and who have been told by their doctor that they have IBS and to follow a Low-FODMAP Diet. It is implemented in a very systematic and sequential way so that individuals are able to determine which FODMAP foods contribute to their symptoms and which do not.

The package is broken down into three separate, dated services which are;

1. Overview of a 3-Stage Low FODMAP Diet: an introduction to using a three-stage approach to a Low-FODMAP diet, and the benefits.

2. Teaching the Initial Stage: teaching the low FODMAP foods to avoid as well as foods that can be eaten in each of the following categories: animal protein foods, dairy products, unlimited vegetables, one-serving-per-meal vegetables, fruit, grains & starches & bread & cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds, sweeteners, beverages and condiments.

3. Teaching the Intermediate Stage: instructions on how and when to gradually introduce foods that contain some FODMAPS, and in what amounts in each of the categories.

4. Teaching the Liberalization Stage plus the Low FODMAP and Beyond Nutrition Education Teaching: final stage of introducing FODMAP foods that do not result in symptoms, as well as non-FODMAP foods to watch out for that may result in symptoms.

To get started, click on the button below to learn about pricing, payment options, clinical hours, and to book an appointment.  

3. Celiac Disease Management Package

The Celiac Disease Management Package provides detailed teaching for those newly diagnosed with celiac disease (IgA-mediated gluten intolerance) to learn which foods are safe to eat and how to eat to minimize accidental contact with gluten or gluten-containing products at home and away from home. The two teachings include;

– What is Celiac Disease — its prevalence, symptoms (or lack of them), diagnosis, and treatment
– Nutrition Complications in Celiac Disease
– Three Steps to Getting Started on a Gluten-Free Diet without feeling overwhelmed by the details.
– What does “Gluten-Free” actually mean?
– Gluten-Free Shopping
– Gluten Sources in Medications & Gluten-Free Medications
– Avoiding Cross-Contamination in Food Preparation — including practical tips for eating at home, restaurants, and social gatherings
– Celiac-related Tax Deductions

To get started, click on the button below to learn about pricing, payment options, clinical hours, and to book an appointment.  

4. Food Sensitivity and Food Allergy Management Package

The Food Sensitivity and Food Allergy Management Package is designed for those who have either been diagnosed with Ig-E mediated food allergies such as to eggs, soy or tree nuts by an allergist, or who suspect they may be sensitized to certain foods, or components of foods that may be related to their environmental allergies to alder or birch trees, or to latex.

This package would also be helpful for those diagnosed with significant tree or grass pollen allergies and who are experiencing symptoms of Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) i.e. tingling in the mouth, swelling of the lips or tongue, itchy mouth, etc. and want to know which foods to be careful of. This package is broken down into three separate and dated services which will follow different paths, depending on the results.

1. Initial Assessment Visit: includes a review of previous allergist results and/or symptoms and if applicable, recommendation for MSP-based allergy testing based on dietary assessment.

2. Review of lab test results – determine if results indicate Ig-E allergy, or not.

3. FSFA #2 & #3: If the allergy test results come back positive for specific foods, or for specific tree or grass pollen, the second and third visits will include nutritional education about foods that are related that may cause symptoms, as well as information about Oral Allergy Syndrome.


IBS #2 & #3: If the allergy test results come back negative, then the remainder of services can be taken using a Time Food Time Symptom Journal (from the IBS Package) to help determine which foods may be causing symptoms, and then avoiding or reducing intake of them.

To get started or learn about pricing, payment options, and clinical hours by clicking the button below.

5. Constipation and Hemorrhoid Management Package 

Both of these conditions are related to factors different than what most people think, so learning how to reduce the occurrence of them requires re-thinking them.  

The Constipation and Hemorrhoid Management Package is designed to help people reduce the common occurrence of both of these using a food- and lifestyle-first approach. It can be taught entirely grain-free, if that is your preference. This package is broken down into 4 separate and dated services as follows:

1. In-depth clinical assessment: review of personal and family medical history, recent lab results, current medications and nutritional supplements, and a comprehensive dietary and lifestyle review.

2. Design of an Individual Meal Plan: based on information collected in the clinical assessment with a focus on dietary intake of food components associated with reducing constipation, preparation of a detailed, and a multi-page nutrition education handout to make getting started easy. Turnaround time until the Meal Plan is designed is ~2 weeks from the completion of the clinical assessment.

3. Nutrition Education Session: review of weight / waist circumference, recommendations based on recent lab test results, risk of other autoimmune conditions, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and teaching of the Individual Meal Plan including serving sizes, number of portions, and how to make substitutions.

4. Nutrition Education on Constipation and Hemorrhoids: This one-hour teaching begins with what constipation and hemorrhoids are — and as importantly correcting common misconceptions about what they are not. Nutrition education includes contributors to constipation including medication and some supplements, hormones and medical conditions and teaches evidence-based recommendations regarding the types and amount of fiber to consume, fluid intake, as well as simple lifestyle changes that can help decrease the occurrence of hemorrhoids.


6. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Package 

The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Package is designed for those newly diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (UC) or Crohn’s Disease and is provided as 4 separate and dated services, including one on implementing a Low-Residue Diet, followed by 3 visits about how to implement a Low FODMAP Diet in three stages. The price is the same as the IBS Package and Low-FODMAP Package, but is non-taxable because Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease are clinical conditions (IBS is a functional condition).

To get started with the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Package, please copy the following text into the box under the Customized Nutrition Package, on the Intake and Service Option Form which is available under the Book an Appointment tab, by clicking on the button below.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Package provided as 4 separate visits, including one on teaching how to implement a Low-Residue Diet, followed by 3 visits about how to implement a Low FODMAP Diet in three stages“.

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Please note: At this time, all services are provided via a secure telehealth portal.


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