The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Package is designed for individuals who have had celiac disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) ruled out and who have been told by their doctor that they have IBS. Since the symptoms and causes of IBS symptoms vary between individuals, this package is designed to help determine which foods or food components are contributing to specific symptoms.
Unlike a Low FODMAP Diet, this package enables people to only eliminate foods or food components that result in symptoms.
This package is broken down into four separate services which use a Time-Food-Time-Symptom (TFTS) Journal for collecting very specific dietary information using either a preformatted Excel sheet, or for those who prefer, pen and paper. Once there is enough information collected, I review and use it as the basis for making recommendation in terms of which foods to reduce, or eliminate in the diet. The four services in the package are as follows;
1. Introduction to the TFTS Journal: an introduction how to collect information using the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, customization of the journal for individual IBS symptoms, verification after 3 days data that the information is being collected correctly.
2. First Visit in IBS Package: review of the first three weeks of data from the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, recommendation of foods or beverages to limit or avoid and why, instructions for collecting the next 2-weeks worth of Time Food Time Symptom Journal data.
3. Second Visit in IBS Package: review of the second two weeks of data from the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, recommendation of additional foods or beverages to limit or avoid and why.
4. Third Visit in IBS Package: review of the last set of data from the Time Food Time Symptom Journal, recommendation of additional foods or beverages to limit or avoid and why, plus dietary and lifestyle changes that may help minimized IBS symptoms.
Optional add-on teaching (one hour): the role of the vagus nerve in IBS and Functional Dyspepsia
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